In episode 63, Richard and Michael discuss Lilith’s disapprobation of Jodahs’ approach to the acquisition of Human mates, Spina bifida, Neurofibromatosis, the resilience of the Oankali organelle and trendiness in scientific publishing.
00:00:00 - Start
00:00:31 - Welcome
00:01:28 - Last Chapters of par II
00:01:54 - Chapter 11 predictions
00:02:30 - It’s too Quiet despite the GSWs
00:04:02 - Chapter 11 summary begins
00:06:30 - Languages without ungendered pronouns
00:09:01 - Full Names
00:10:17 - Fear of the Unknown
00:10:54 - Lilith Disapproves
00:12:58 - end of Chapter 11
00:13:00 - Chapter 12 predictions
00:14:02 - What’s Aaor going to do?
00:16:16 - Chapter 12 summary
00:16:36 - Oankali Still Not Getting Humans
00:18:19 - Disturbing Origins of the Village
00:19:40 - Spina bifida [1]
00:21:05 - Sorry Alabama
00:22:44 - Folate Deficiency
00:23:39 - Neurofibromatosis [2]
00:24:30 - Oankali Organelle Panspermia
00:26:05 - Collective Vs Individual thinking
00:29:00 - The Git Tree of Life
00:31:50 - Lilith’s reluctant scilence
00:32:00 - Types of Neurofibromatosis [2]
00:39:40 - “The Sexy new disease”
00:41:00 - COVID paper Richard’s a Co-author on [3,4]
00:43:10 - Aaor’s Desire for mates
00:46:22 - Part II Summary
00:54:30 - Representation for Rare Genetic Diseases
00:57:32 - Part III predictions
00:58:00 - The problem Aaor’s Hunger for Human mates
01:01:46 - Outro
REFERENCES: Spina bifida:
COVID papers:
Intro: L’Etoile danse (Pt. 1) by Meydan Outro: Long Way Home by Spinning Ratio
A Human