Episode: 35 Xenogenesis - Adulthood-Rites: II: PHOENIX Chapter 9

Posted on Monday, Aug 16, 2021
In episode 35 Michael & Richard initially become distracted by Anime and return to discuss Akin’s Arrival at Phoenix.

Show Notes

In episode 35 Michael & Richard initially become distracted by Anime and return to discuss Akin’s Arrival at Phoenix.


00:00:00 - Start
00:00:28 - Intro
00:01:00 - YOYOing on arival at Phoenix
00:01:32 - Why they were avoiding Phoenix
00:02:10 - We took a summer break
00:02:30 - We discuss some stuff we read/watched while away
00:02:44 - Parables books mild SPOILERS
00:03:14 - Brave New World
00:04:02 - Bokanovskification [1]
00:04:48 - Billionaires in Space
00:04:56 - Richard tries to become more of a nerd via Anime
00:06:40 - Mild SPOILERS for Violet Evergarden
00:05:26 - Watch order
00:05:48 - Gushing over the visuals
00:06:30 - Story
00:07:30 - Light Novel
00:07:57 - Setting
00:08:44 - Prostheses
00:10:00 - Suggestion: Nausica
00:11:28 - Return to the book
00:11:40 - Chapter 9 Predictions
00:12:18 - Chapter Summary
00:12:35 - Avoiding to evade the Oankali
00:13:05 - Descriptino of Phoenix
00:13:24 - Working with salvaged pre-war metals
00:14:12 - Crops & Trees
00:14:20 - Oil producing trees
00:15:06 - Biofuels
00:15:28 - Why did the Oankali make these trees?
00:16:36 - Oil trees + fire = Bad?
00:17:08 - Phoenix more like a pre-war town
00:18:01 - Iriarte’s advice to Akin
00:19:58 - Akin’s Adult Phrasing
00:20:29 - ‘Tasting’ Iriarte
00:21:40 - Comparing Reactions of Galt & Iriarte
00:22:20 - Why Galt reacted as he did
00:25:13 - Danger in very unthreatening package
00:27:10 - Purpose of churches?
00:28:36 - Definition in opposition
00:29:04 - God in the pledge of allegiance
00:29:54 - The utility of rituals
00:30:12 - Initiation rituals & value of group memberhsip
00:31:30 - Threat & Gender roles
00:33:33 - Retreat to tradition when change is imposed
00:34:48 - The Return of Tate and Gabe
00:35:35 - Itchy parts
00:35:56 - Over Akin’s Head
00:36:30 - STD’s post Oankali
00:43:38 - Tat’s Relatinshup with Gabe
00:46:20 - Galt’s not being a good sales person
00:47:57 - Gabe is an ass
00:48:12 - asshole detector
00:49:00 - dis-likable characters
00:50:40 - Petty exercise of poser
00:51:00 - The inspirations for Octavia’s Antagonists
00:52:45 - Brave Boy
00:53:51 - Richard has AtLA 2x15 Flashbacks
00:55:10 - Bad voice acting choices for Akin
00:56:40 - Tino’s Parents
00:57:07 - Akin lies about who killed Tino
00:58:20 - Concern for reaction to the truth
00:59:05 - Risk of loosing credibility from lying
01:01:10 - Yori’s understaning of Akin’s Intelligence
01:03:00 - Prediciions
01:06:00 - Why would a woman go with the group?
01:08:00 - The Oankali are post scarcity, the humans are not
01:10:20 - Outro


Intro: L’Etoile danse (Pt. 1) by Meydan Outro: Long Way Home by Spinning Ratio


Richard J. Acton

Richard J. Acton

A Human - for now.

Michael Glinka

Michael Glinka

A Human