Episode: 14 Xenogenesis - Dawn: III: Nursery Chapters 7 & 8

Posted on Sunday, Oct 11, 2020
In Episode 14, Richard and Michael discuss the physicalities of human-alien-human sex.

Show Notes

In Episode 14, Richard and Michael discuss the physicalities of human-alien-human sex.


00:00:31 - Intro
00:04:29 - “Men writing women”
00:05:23 - Chapter 7 predictions
00:08:47 - It feels rapy when we imagine being in Joseph’s point of view
00:09:22 - Chapter 7 summary starts
00:11:11 - Discussion on the possible explanation of what they experienced [1]
00:14:08 - If alien visited, there would be alien cult with alien Kamasutra created
00:16:30 - Hypothesis on the fertilisation [2, 3]
00:18:20 - Back to the tangent on neural link…
00:20:18 - Discussion on additional perception modes in animals [4 - 7]
00:23:55 - Social consequences in seeing in infra-red
00:26:15 - We diss the superhero powers
00:29:58 - Back of tangent to Chapter 7 summary
00:35:22 - We still feel sorry for Joseph and what deep wwater he was thrown into
00:37:43 - Early chapter 9 prediction from Michael
00:39:38 - Chapter 7 summary finished
00:41:10 - Do Oankali still have some age and experience prejudice?
00:44:01 - Chapter 8 predictions
00:45:38 - Chapter 8 summary begins
00:49:10 - Gabriel Rinaldi and Tate - Michael still doesn’t trust them, especially Tate
00:54:25 - Chapter 8 summary finishes
00:55:14 - Michael’s long-term predictions
01:05:01 - Chapter 9 predictions
01:06:04 - Outro


Brain pleasure centres:

Fertilisation process in mammals:

How do other animals see:

Intro: L’Etoile danse (Pt. 1) by Meydan Outro: Long Way Home by Spinning Ratio


Richard J. Acton

Richard J. Acton

A Human - for now.

Michael Glinka

Michael Glinka

A Human